A Virtual Hike in the Grand Canyon
Page 3 / Along the River
Map 3, Pictures 158-228
The map at the left shows the detailed view of the third part of the virtual hike. The pictures are numbered to indicate the approximate locations where they were taken.
Click here if you want to see the entire map (957k) showing the entire route with the pictures marked.
If you're not in a hurry, take the small diversion down to Boat Beach. Just as the name implies, there's sand and there are generally boats. Well, not exactly boats, but rafts as this is a regular stop for the rafting trips down the Colorado.
Your first chance for water is less than a quarter mile from Black Bridge from the well seen in the pictures above..
Now that you're at the bottom, the atmosphere is very different in three ways. First, there is the noise of the rushing river which seems to fill the gorge. Second, you can really feel the warmer temperatures. And third, there is considerable vegetation on the trail.
We are now at the official end of the South Kaibab Trail. The path to the left will get you water, toilets, and the River Trail and onto the Bright Angel Trail. At the information sign we take the path to the right (technically the North Kaibab) which takes us along the beautiful Bright Angel Creek and it's beautifully clear running water. On the other side of this creek is the Bright Angel Campground. This will take us to Phantom Ranch.

Crossing over the bridge we are back on the trail.
But just on the other side of this bridge is a great stopping point as
there is water and a flush toilet facility.
After you cross Silver Bridge (a.k.a. Bright Angel Suspension Bridge) you head west onto what is technically the River Trail. But nearly everyone considers this part of the Bright Angel. The first part of this route may as well be called Beach Trail because of all the sand. Sand? You'd think water was nearby! ;-)
We've now arrived at the bottom of the Bright Angel Trail, so we are ready to ascend. There are 3 more pages to complete the entire tour. To continue on hit next.